Watch Girja M.A Jaya tv serials-Rewind 19.10.22 | Jaya TV serial-Rewind Girja M.A 19/10/22 Latest Today Episode Online
Girja M.A 19-10-2022 Jaya tv Serial-Rewind | Jaya Tv Girja M.A 19th October 2022
Jaya tv Serials, Girja M.A
Jaya tv Serial Girja M.A 19th October 2022
The subject was strong and suited the kind of protagonist role of the heroine Girija .She took the burden in her shoulders by taking care of her mother and three sisters. The heroine Girija was shown as chirpy and strong, even when her closest friend Lakshmi becomes her bitter enemy, she was upset, but not down. The emotions of sentiment, anger, vengeance and love, was interestingly interwoven that made the serial palatable to viewers. It was maintained throughout the serial.